Randall Reilly launches new business, Fusable, in strategic separation from talent acquisition business

Updated Jan 18, 2024

Fusable Full Color Horizontal 65a6ba69cacc1Clean Trucking parent company Randall Reilly LLC is strategically separating its talent acquisition business and its industrial data business with its accompanying services. The talent acquisition side will be doing business as Randall Reilly, while the data business is launching as a new brand, doing business as Fusable.

Matt Reilly, formerly CEO of the combined Randall Reilly LLC venture, and now CEO of Fusable, said that “what’s remarkably consistent in our history since our first brands began in 1911, is that we’ve constantly innovated and evolved.” He frequently refers to the business as a “110-year-old startup.”

Scott Miller has transitioned to CEO of the new Randall Reilly Talent LLC from his role of general manager of the Talent Intelligence division of Randall Reilly.

“We are working on simplifying the companies so we can both focus on our strengths,” said Miller. “Ours is talent acquisition, and Fusable's is using data to deliver outcomes. We have reached the point where it makes sense for our businesses to operate independently.”

The move positions Fusable, with its best-in-class data products such as EDA, Central Analysis Bureau, EquipmentWatch, Iron Solutions, RigDig, Price Digests, and Fusable Digital to leverage data-driven solutions for industrial sectors, fostering its growth as a standalone entity. Fusable will also retain the media brands such as Commercial Carrier Journal (CCJ), OverdriveTrucks, Parts, Service (TPS)Clean Trucking, Equipment World and Total Landscape Carerenowned for their industry expertise and thought leadership. 

The separation underscores the commitment of both companies to the growth and evolution of each. It allows each company to operate independently, focusing on its core strengths and further developing tailored solutions, the companies said. 

Hydrogen Fuel Cell & BEV Survey
The following survey was sent as a link in an email cover message in February 2023 to the newsletter lists for Overdrive and CCJ. After approximately two weeks, a total of 176 owner-operators under their own authority, 113 owner-operators leased or assigned to a carrier and 82 fleet executives and 36 fleet employees from fleets with 10 or more power units had completed and submitted the questionnaire for a total of 407 qualified responses. Cross-tabulations based on respondent type are provided for each question when applicable.
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